
Feeding Hope

Your Support Makes a Difference

Every donation helps provide food, hope, and resources to individuals and families in need. Together, we can create lasting change in our community. Your generosity fuels our mission—thank you for helping us bring hope to those who need it most.

Use the form below to send a one-time or recurring donation. If you would like to easily view your receipts or manage recurring donations online, sign up for a free account, just click here.

Donation Form

Use the options below to specify how much and how often you would like to donate.

$25.00 for each week
$50.00 for each month
$250.00 for each year
No payment items has been selected yet

Become a Member

Create a free account to manage your recurring donations, view your giving history, and stay connected with Feeding Hope.

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Other Ways To Give

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FirstUnited Bank

ABA# 103100881
A/C# 5734150

We are always thankful and appreciative for any assistance with helping us successfully fulfill our mission in the form of prayer, donations, gifts we can use to help raise funds, meals for serving, and/or volunteer service.

ALL forms of giving will benefit those in need, and ALL gifts are tax deductible.

Mail Donations to:

PO Box 5322
Durant, OK 74702

NOTE: ALL donations are tax deductible.